Konkan Muslim Education Society’s

Sardar Haji Ameer Sahab

Rais high school & junior college



A place of excellence: scholastic, creative, moral and spiritual development.

A caring place: where every student and stakeholder is valued as individuals.

A place of values: where student learns respect for themselves and others.

A place of resources: educational, curricular, co-curricular, intellectual, human and social.

A place ready for every future advancement: technological, scientific, societal.

A Place of collaboration: between staff, parents, management and society in the interest of student.


To endeavor to create a caring and values-based learning environment that encourages high expectations for success.

To provide Quality Education with burden less curriculum, activity based learning and Student-Centered Learning approach to create attitude towards social responsibilities in our students in Conductive Educational Environment.

To facilitate our Students to develop Life Skills, Desire for Knowledge and strong self-esteem.


We recognize that each Student is important, all of them are resourceful, all students need to succeed, and all of them are great assets to the Nation and a Trusted Deposit of the posterity.

We respect the individual needs of our Students.

We cultivate a caring, collaborative and creative environment for them.

We strive for their social, emotional, physical, intellectual and all round development.

We believe in turning our students beneficial for their parents, families, Nation and themselves.

We facilitate our Staff and Students to develop in themselves the spiritual and moral values, honesty, integrity, tolerance and respect for others.


Creating a respectful and collaborative atmosphere for students and staff.

Developing healthy physical and intellectual environment in the School.

Providing a student-centred approach to learning.

Focussing on Holistic Development of student.

Developing professionally trained, enthusiastic and dedicated staff.

Focusing on continual improvement, team work and shared accountabilities.

Continuous and Comprehensive evaluation of educational processes.

Maintaining attractive and welcoming grounds and facilities.

Developing partnerships with our community, local and national.

Adopting the technology for education and implementing new academic trends.

Inculcating the values for self-respect, peace, harmony, integration, honesty, tolerance.

Efficiency, transparency and effectiveness in all Educational Processes.

Encouraging and monitoring school health and Hygiene.

Creating awareness among parents and the society.

Imbibing and welcoming the Change.


We strive for the All Round Development of the students.

We are committed to provide Quality Education to each of them by continual improvement in our Educational System, Processes and Services.

We commit ourselves towards inculcating true Values of life and imparting clarity of Vision in our Students by total involvement of all the Stakeholders of Education.

creating academic marvels since 93 years

Delivering top notch results since 1927 being one of the oldest college of bhiwandi







To make the students a virtuous and god conscious humans.

To make them a dedicated servants of the society.

To make them a responsible citizens of our country.

To holistically develop their personality.

To embellish their morals and etiquettes.

To nurture healthy mind, heart and soul in healthy body.

To appreciate and cultivate the innate potentials of the students.

To guide and direct their attitude on right direction and path.

To inculcate in them the decorum for right and wrong, truth and falsehood and just and unjust.

To make them responsible towards the physical and intellectual environment.

To develop in them the LIFE SKILLS so as to enable them.
 + to safeguard and protect their personality, individuality and identity.
 + to secure livelihood, maintenance and source of revenue for themselves.
 + to nurture their families and children in future.
 + to establish and maintain social relationships.
 + to employ their leisure at the best.

Rais hsjc assembly 2
Rais hsjc assembly 4



Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.

– Mr. Ansari Ziyaur-Rahman Mazharul Haque



Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.

– Mr. Mohammad Amir Mohammad Aqil

Vice Principal


Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth; having hearts that are never moved and therefore never set on fire. These are the things to fear

– Mr. Madoo Mukhils Abdul Majeed

Asst. Headmaster


A supervisor will establish a culture of gratitude. Expand the appreciative attitude to management, staff, and of course, students.  

– Mr. Sibtain Kashelkar

Supervisor Secondary School


Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example.

– Mr. Asrar K. Pathan

Supervisor Junior college